Coaching & Consulting

New Ways of Working


Entrepreneurial Couples

For entrepreneurial couples, it is often a balancing act to reconcile business and private life. Once the balance is restored, the partnership becomes a source of energy again. Intimacy enables a shared vision.

Business Partners

Conflicts between business partners can be more than just a stumbling block — they can shake the entire corporate structure. To address disagreements effectively, the real driving forces behind the conflicts must be understood.


Psychological safety, a sense of belonging, and the ability to navigate together through difficult times are key elements of self-organization. These skills are strengthened by courageously leading the ‘elephant’ out of the room.

Middle-aged entrepreneurial couple smiling affectionately at the camera

Entrepreneurial Couples: Stronger Together

Are you, as an entrepreneurial couple, facing the classic challenge of balancing your business and intimate relationship? Is navigating your partnership and shared business exhausting and a source of recurring tension?

For entrepreneurial couples, the line between professional and personal is often blurred. Problems in one area can easily spill over into the other.

These obvious challenges often hide deeper questions:

  • How do we balance support and our own stresses in our relationship?
  • How do we deal with the need for recognition both as a partner and as a business person?
  • How do we protect our relationship from the uncertainties of entrepreneurship?

I know both the dynamics of partnerships and the challenges of entrepreneurship from personal experience and understand how complex these problems can be. A sustainable solution to these problems often requires in-depth dialogue and a willingness to work on both the relationship and the joint business.

It’s not just about establishing effective communication channels, but also about creating a space in which both partners can recognize and respect their individual needs and goals without losing sight of the shared vision.

Business Partners: Trust as a Foundation

Are you caught in a cycle of tension and mistrust with your business partner? Do you wish to overcome conflicts that lead to loss of time, money and energy and communicate effectively again?

On the surface, most conflicts between business partners usually revolve around operations, decision-making, money, goals, or responsibilities.

But these conflicts are often driven by deeper motivations that seem difficult to address, such as competitive thinking, the need for visibility, and the fear of not meeting one’s own and each other’s standards.

Two business partners are sitting on a bench in the park, having an animated conversation.

As a therapist who was co-owner of an organizational consulting firm for over ten years, I understand how these issues can affect your business and your life and what it takes to engage in an open-hearted exchange that builds long-term trust.


I support teams that want to work more autonomously on their path to self-organization. What competencies are necessary for this? And what makes self-organized teams successful? According to Google’s Project Aristotle, it is primarily the way team members interact, the question of how safe team members feel and can be themselves.

However psychological safety does not arise from a blind need for harmony. In a team, you only feel that you belong and are heard, once you are able to navigate rough waters together.

This means:

  • Being able to clearly communicate and address mutual expectations.
  • Having a common framework in which tensions can be addressed and conflicts can be leveraged.
  • Promoting reliability and the ability to follow through and a culture of mutual support when things don’t go as planned.
  • To promote personal initiative without diluting the responsibility of hierarchy.

Through my many years of experience with conflicts, I have gained the courage to address difficult topics and design team processes that encourage members to act autonomously while keeping the common goal in mind.

About me

For the last 10 years I have been co-owner of SOCIUS Organizational Consulting. In my work with organizations, I support teams on their path to self-organization and strengthen skills such as dealing with emotionally charged situations and the courage to address problems directly.

Additionally, I co-founded Agency in Al, an initiative dedicated to examining the synergies between human experience and artificial intelligence, with a focus on how Al can support agency and personal growth.

I am a certified person-centered therapist, trained in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), and have 25 years of professional experience. I earned my PhD in discourse analysis and conflict dynamics.

Get in touch

Piotrowski, Ph.D.

Office: Knaackstraße 84, Berlin
phone: +49 30 44047334




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